Educational Games on Amazon for your Homeschool
Gaming was an interesting outlet for us as a whole. I set a firm boundary at the very beginning to not play video games with my family (seriously, I would never get anything done if I did!).
disclaimer: this blog contains amazon associates links that I may make a small commission, at no extra cost to you.
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a teacher. Because of my background, I knew a long college life was out of my grasp. I had grown up too quickly without much thought of ever saving for or planning for college.
The American school system had not been kind to me. An undiagnosed girl, in dirty clothes and hand-me-down shoes, unmanageable hair. I knew from a young age that I was being handed from one teacher to the next each year, instead of meeting criteria like other children. I did not learn to sing my ABCs until the second grade; with one of my earliest memories is standing in the principals office, shrugging when asked to sing the alphabet. I had never failed a class or missed school for fun. I always passed with flying colors and completed extra credit for the A+. I passed with exemplary scores with every state exam. I never cared to sing the silly songs.
It was not until my late twenties that I even recognized my neurodivergence as more than just mood swings and whimsy. I came across the RAADS test and took it as a silly little quiz only to find out that I am clearly on the autism spectrum. I hurried to visit my PCP, confirming the results. I should have been diagnosed all those years ago. Yet, my living conditions and lack of accountable parental figures had doomed me to being the weird girl that sat in the corner of class.
I had known from the beginning that I would teach my children from home. Giving them space to learn on their own terms, with tools to accommodate their specific needs.
Gaming was an interesting outlet for us as a whole. I set a firm boundary at the very beginning to not play video games with my family (seriously, I would never get anything done if I did!). I encouraged toys, imaginative play, roleplaying, card games, board games; video games and screen time were their favorites.
Here is a list of games that we have used or currently use in our homeschool.
Zingo - Bingo with sight words instead of numbers. There are multiple versions of this game, for different reading levels. It is very easy to play and to assemble. Works well with siblings on different reading levels, who want to play together.
Rapid Rumble - Great for a small group. Learn trivia with ease! This game is a lot of fun and a wonderful addition to any family game night.
Proof - Mental Math Magic! This game is for ages 9-10 but we have used it for 7+. This game encourages doing math in your head to complete the game. We struggle with math and sometimes worksheets are not forced in our daily work, we do something like this instead!
Time Game - This game does have small pieces that can be easily lost BUT it is an unbelievable resource for children that are struggling to read time.
Leap Frog - Both of our children loved Leap Frog. It is a wonderful alternative to screen time, perfect for long car rides.
Minute Math - This electronic flash card features addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Ages 6+. Portable size is a bonus. Encourage the use of it as a fidget toy. Something to do while waiting for a table at a restaurant or in line at the grocery store.
Bop It - In the beginning of our homeschool journey, I had Pinterest boards filled with motor skills activities, games, and sensory boxes. Everything adding up to a small fortune for an afternoon of finger pinching Cheerios. Just get a Bop It, My First Pencil, and print out a motor skills chart by age. Don’t be like me and add unnecessary pressure on yourself.
Roblox - Never underestimate a child’s willpower to learn. When my second was four years old, he walked up to me and asked if I could teach him how to read so he could play Roblox with his big sister. Of course, I pulled out 100 Easy Lessons and we began immediately. Within two weeks, he could find a game, join the chat, and win. It’s always an overwhelming joy to watch your child accomplish something so big.
Switch - Our daughter asked for a Nintendo Switch for 4 years before we finally got it for her. She had just turned 11 years old a few months before Christmas. She had been doing daily chores, attending classes regularly, helping with the animals. Watching her learn how to care for her environment and her belongings in order to get the upgrades she so desperately wanted. Our old family gaming systems becoming obsolete as she waited for her age and brain to grow. She earned her switch and the upgrades. She cherishes her games. I cherish watching her play and learn.
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza - This isn’t educational and it deserves an honorable mention. This game is so much fun. It can break the tension on the hardest of days. When time is lagging, the books are boring, and the don’t-wannas are here to stay… We play this game! Can be played with two people, more fun with 3+ people.
Sussed - Just get it, ok! You won’t regret it. Laughter, joy, belly giggles and snorts. Even public school teachers will pull out fun games for field day or end-of-school-year activities.
A Little Spot - Like motor skills, emotional intelligence should be exercised often. Being able to identify, express, and regulate emotions should be encouraged to children by the adults in their lives. Reading aloud, even for a few minutes a day, can greatly improve their chances for success. Teaching them how to self regulate will set them up for success for life, not just in their schooling and career fields.
Educational Games from Amazon for your Homeschool, background features a galaxy image and a yellow lightbulb.
A Personal Trainer’s Supplement Regimen
The typical American diet doesn’t begin to cover most of the daily dietary needs, so this is a good place to start. Supplements on Amazon. Personal Trainer.
Disclaimer: This blog contains Amazon associate links that I may make a small earning, at no extra cost to you. I am not a medical professional, ask your physician before changing your daily supplement regimen.
A Personal Trainer’s Supplement Regimen, two photos with different capsules and herbs. Website link for
What are my qualifications? I am almost 33 and 6 years into surgical menopause. I am a certified personal trainer. I have been in and out of the fitness industry for 10 years. Taking time off to focus on family, homeschooling, and gaining experience, yet always picking up dumbbells. I started from rock bottom health and have been climbing that ladder ever since. What works for me might not work for you, vice versa. Have you tried any of the vitamins listed?
Liquid Morning Vitamins. Sounds gross but hear me out. Absorption should be the main focus when taking vitamins. Taking a large gel cap that hurts your tummy and changes the color of your urine? Not cool. This brand has several flavors and types of liquid multivitamins. I’m linking my preference. I take one tablespoon every day, the bottle lasting two months. I know that it’s the recommended dose for children, and this is my sweet spot. Not jittery, not scatterbrained, yet energized.
Vegan Chlorophyll Drops. I take this a few times a week. If you are actively eating dark leafy greens every day, then you probably won’t benefit much from this. The difference in my skin is night and day. Rosacea on my nose and cheeks always improves when I take this regularly!
Vitamin D 3 and K 2. If you wear SPF then you’re most likely vitamin D deficient. K2 is proven to help bone density and reduce the risk of bone fractures. In simple terms, K2 helps calcium stick to your bones. I take this daily and year-round. When I am not consistent, I have brain fog, sore-more-than-usual joints, and general malaise.
Sea Moss. There’s been a huge peak of sea moss products lately. Research all suppliers. I am finicky when it comes to textures like gel. I take a capsule. Sea moss is loaded with natural minerals. The typical American diet doesn’t begin to cover most of the daily dietary needs, this is a good place to start (especially if you don’t want to commit to taking a daily liquid vitamin).
Nutritional Yeast. I sprinkle this on all of our food as a seasoning. It has a slight buttery taste that can improve creamy dishes, stews, and puddings. Nutritional yeast is a good source of b vitamins. I highly recommend adding this to your arsenal if eating red meat is off the table for you.
Magnesium. If you’re not taking magnesium, you should start today. There are many different kinds of magnesium. I can have magnesium chloride in a cream to improve skin health and relax the body. Another example is taking a magnesium glycinate tablet to help with anxiety.
Bone Broth. Not ever having Anthony B’s broth is a travesty but store-bought is fine. In my experience, bone broth helps digestion, strengthens joints and connective tissues (hello, facia), and aids in fingernail strength. Bone broth is better than collagen supplements because it is a whole protein.
Mushrooms. I’ve been committed to Sacred Seven for the past six years or so. Adding pinches of mushrooms to my coffee every morning. At first, I felt no change at first, but after a while, I started recalling memories and things of the past that I had forgotten. Sure, there’s no definitive proof of my claims, yet there are studies that show mushrooms do open and connect neural pathways.
Golden Juice. Carpal tunnel? Nearly nonexistent. Turmeric is proven to help inflammation. Vitamin C and black pepper aid in the absorption of turmeric and are a bonus in immunity support. Will post a recipe soon!
Vanilla Protein Powder. I buy the Elevation brand from Aldi as a part of our routine groceries. Both the chocolate and the vanilla flavors are palatable. I am comfortable using whey protein, I find it tastes better than most plant-based protein powders in stores. I do not use protein powders to replace any of my meals. Protein powders are excellent for recovery after heavy training sessions.
A Personal Trainer’s Supplement Regimen, two photos with different capsules and herbs. Website Link for
My Mother’s Day Reality Check
I have a plan! A peek into the daily life of a Mom, Personal Trainer, Soaper, and business owner. My Mother’s Day Reality Check. What Mom’s Really Want for Mother’s Day.
I have a plan.
I’m going to use Amazon as my branded, dropshipped wellness store.
Use Pinterest and my blog to market my brand.
Use reels and TikTok as a video log to my blog.
Email marketing to introduce new products and hook sales.
Have Facebook as a home base.
I want it so automated that all I have to do on screen is make/post daily content.
My Mother’s Day Reality Check
I have to implement all of this soon, so I can build my coaching program for the ladies, write chapter two of my book, start group coaching on Saturday mornings, and sell my honest blood/sweat/tears as digital content.
My love for fitness is where all of this started. Holistic health and plants are a special interest. What I do with those plants (soapmaking) is an even more niched down reality of mine.
My 8 month plan has evolved into an ‘automate all that I can before moving to Texas in 2025’ plan.
I’m using mom brain to do all of it. I know things look super unconnected and I’m aloof to time. I am still just a girl! I have delayed processing and forget how to communicate my needs, I can’t help it. I’m tired.
The cherry on top is that I have made an educated decision to go gluten-free. Controversial, I know. Genetics plays such a big role in my day-to-day life, I cannot ignore the call to action in front of my face.
Especially when it’s clearly on my face. I’ve always had rosacea on my nose and cheeks. The first week I was completely gluten-free my sister said that my complexion had improved, and I was indeed glowing. This morning, both cheeks and the nose are red and puffy with blemishes. I suppose the hot and ready pizzas are to blame. My stomach hurts but I’m being brave about it.
What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day
I’ve worked for years to get this far. So has Jacob. I am excited to find out what’s next. I am even more excited knowing that what we both are doing today is setting the foundation for the financial stability of our legacy. I never want them to suffer or fight as hard as we have; yet I pray that they are even more humble and just than I could ever be.
It’s Mother’s Day weekend. I am supposed to write a blog about What Mom’s Really Want For Mother’s Day; the next week, What Mom’s Got For Mother’s Day (I know the English isn’t perfect but for a Pinterest post, it’s fine).
I received many different answers, varying from countertop appliances to body modification… one common answer among all platforms: a peaceful day at home with loved ones and fur babies, with good food and entertainment. Delightful.
The house cleaning begins today. The shopping tomorrow. Don’t forget the routine extracurriculars and the holiday crafting. The baking and the marinating. The SPF! And a garnish for your beverage.
I hope you enjoy your time with the family. Whatever gifts you may receive are a display of gratitude, not a measure of your worth.
the 2024 prediction list that you never asked for
famous life coach scandal
cat3+ hurricanes back to back followed by harsh winter
new sister wives show
someone new will challenge Eminem
Britney Spears announces performance dates
Meagan Markle gets a controversial movie deal
underground olive oil
apple and/or tesla stocks plummet leading to sell off of other stocks, two week lul then come up
no real estate crash BUT a real estate ‘plateaux’
the app formerly known as Twitter will change its name again
a mass exodus of elder generations on social media
TikTok shifts towards vine-vibes | content creation will not be the same
mass come up of self-made businesses | saturated market
collapse of influencer status
Donald Trump dies in car accident in late October/early November
that woman finds Cleopatra’s tomb | men on mission start disappearing
something about new craters on the moon
another animal in captivity dies under preventable circumstances #ripharambe
scientists release study about dreaming and other dimensions
this list is for entertainment only*
my top 10 lessons in 2023
What I Should Have Known 20
with no explanation:
only I can advance me
60% of women across the states do not have plans for retirement (neither did I at the time)
even though I may not have anything in common with a well-known mentor, I can still learn from them
sometimes feeling tension and friction are signs of growth
you gotta spend a lil money to make a lil money
if I am not clearly defining my expectations or boundaries to others, I cannot get upset by others’ actions/lack of action
asking for specific gifts or next best thing for birthdays/holidays/vacation
you’ll be more rewarded and fulfilled when you stop moving out of spite and make moves out of love
don’t share your ‘big picture’ with others who won’t appreciate your work to make it happen
rest in my cave is essential to my success